Policies and Procedures
- Attendance
- Detention Policy
- Dress Code
- Hall Passes
- Participation
- Preparedness
- Referrals from Teachers & Subs
- Telephone Use
- Student Handbook
Clearing Absences
1. Call the school:
Call the school at (510) 723-3120 ext. 42111 or 42105, and ask for the Attendance Office to report absences or leave a phone message.
2. Bring a note:
If a parent has not called, a child must bring a note to the office upon his/her return to school. In your note please include:
- Date;
- Length of absence;
- Reason for absence;
- Phone number to follow-up by the school;
- Parent name and signature;
* Emails are not an acceptable substitute for a call.
If there is no call or note, the absence will be unexcused and considered to be a cut. Please refer to the Parent-Student Handbook for more information.
Absences – Long Term
If a student will be absent for five or more days, up to a maximum of ten days, parents must contact the Attendance Office prior to the absence and may request a short-term Independent Study Contract. This contract must be approved by the school administration.
The Independent Study Contract will allow the student to keep up with his/her assignments and receive credit for attendance. It is best to give the office at least a two-week notice of the situation. Assignments are due when the student returns to school. Students will not receive credit if assignments are not completed satisfactorily and returned on time.
Tardy Procedures
If a student arrives late to school, a parent/guardian must escort them to the front office (where the student will be given a late pass). Oversleeping and transportation problems are not acceptable reasons for tardiness. Please refer to the Parent-Student Handbook for more information about our Tardy policy.
Closed Campus
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Middle School is a closed campus. Once students arrive on campus, they are expected to remain on school grounds until the end of the school day. Students may not leave the school grounds at any time during the school day without an Off-Grounds pass. Students who leave campus without permission will be considered truant.
For safety reasons, students should not arrive on campus except during supervised school hours (normally 8:00 am-2:45 pm). Students reporting to campus before these times must be in a supervised activity with prior arrangements with the school and advisor. Students remaining on campus after 2:45 pm. must be in a supervised activity.
Leaving School During the Day
If a student must leave for a medical appointment during the school day, the student must:
1. Present a note to the Attendance Office before school, signed by the parent or guardian, stating the reason, time and date, as well as an appointment card.
2. The Attendance Office will provide the student with a pass to leave school grounds.
3. The student must show his pass to the teacher at the beginning of the period from which the student is to be excused.
Last minute requests to leave for these appointments can be disruptive and complicated, especially if students are in P.E. at that time. Please plan ahead or schedule appointments during vacations or after school whenever possible.
Detention Policy
Detentions are issued to students as an appropriate consequence to classroom and/or school-wide violations of rules and expectations.
Teacher-Assigned Detentions
Detentions assigned by classroom teachers are usually arranged between the teacher and the student. Teacher-assigned detention is to be done with the teacher providing the supervision.
Administration Assigned Detentions
Administration assigns detentions after reviewing referrals made by teachers, other staff on general supervision duty or by their own discretion. Detentions may be scheduled and served during lunch, after school and/or Wednesdays after school, depending on the reason and the arrangements.
In-School & Wednesday Detentions
The administration assigns In-School Detention (ISD) for classroom and school-wide infractions. In-school detentions are served with the In-School Detention Assistant. Students may be assigned to serve detention at lunch (4th or 5th lunch), after school (45 min.), and on minimum days (2 hours assigned by administration), depending on the infraction. On school days, students who wish to eat lunch are escorted to lunch and back to the ISD room. Students are expected to be prepared with schoolwork or some school related assignment.
While in in school detention student may be assigned any or a combination of the following:
- Independent work assigned by teacher or class subject
- Behavior paragraph
- Campus beautification
- Community Service
Dress Code
Dress Code
We believe that school attire should be appropriate for the learning environment.
The following is intended as a guideline to be followed.
- Clothing that displays or implies gang, drug/alcohol or criminal activity, profane or obscene words and phrases or sexually explicit comments are not allowed.
- Plain red or navy blue t-shirts are not allowed. No accessories of red or navy blue are allowed. This includes red or navy blue belts, hair accessories, jewelry, shoelaces, and head gear.
- Headwear (hair nets, bonnets, durags, etc.) is not allowed during the P.E. classes, except when specified in the P.E. department rules.
- All bandanas of any color are prohibited. This includes hair adornments of bandanna-like material.
- Sagging pants where underwear is showing are not allowed. Pants should be reasonably sized to fit the waist.
- Clothes shall be sufficient to conceal undergarments at all times. See-through or fishnet fabrics, spandex (unless wore undergarments to conceal), halter tops, tank tops, spaghetti straps, off the shoulder or low cut tops, bare midriffs, skirts or shorts shorter than mid-thigh or shorts or pants with revealing holes above knee and other like garments are not allowed.
- The wearing of dental devices that are not for medical use (such as grills, etc.) is not allowed.
- Piercings that prevent a student from performing any of their responsibilities is not allowed.
- Gloves are not to be worn on the campus, in the halls or in the classrooms. If harsh weather requires the wearing of gloves to school, the gloves must be removed upon entering the campus.
- Shoes that are open-toed, flip flops are not allowed.
- Pajama bottoms and pajama-like clothing, tops, other sleepwear, lingerie, blankets and slippers are not acceptable school attire.
- The spraying of perfumes, body sprays, or deodorants are restricted to the personal use of students in the locker rooms after physical education.
Physical Education - Dress Code
All students are required by law to participate in Physical Education (P.E.) program, that includes exercise and activities designed to help them to be physically active.
The Hayward Unified School District requires a physical education uniform.
The uniform consists of:
- Black shorts;
- Unmarked plain white/grey T-shirt;
- Gray/Black sweat pants, and;
- Gray sweatshirt.
Uniforms displaying the school logo are available at the school for purchase, or until quantities remain.
In addition to a P.E. uniform, all students are required to wear tennis shoes with laces during class. Students are not allowed to "sag" or wear their gym clothes over their street clothes.
Students that are not dressed appropriately will receive a suit cut. If a student has three or more suit cuts in a grading period, their PE grade may be adversely affected.
Hall Passes
No student is permitted in the halls during class time or lunchtime without a Hall Pass, an escort from Campus Safety or another staff member. Students are encouraged to use the morning and lunch breaks for personal needs. Office business should be taken care of prior to the morning bell or after school.
Participation in Events
Student participation in school events, dances, sports, promotion ceremony, carnival, etc. are dependent on the following criteria.
The student must:
- Be in good academic standing;
- Have all attendance issues cleared;
- Return all library books and clear all overdue books;
- Serve and clear all detentions;
- Have no suspensions during the quarter of the event (This includes ISD-full day).
- Not be on a shortened day schedule or Independent Study due to behavior;
- Be present the day of the event;
Students are expected to come to school prepared to learn.
Required supplies include assignment sheets or agenda books, a binder with dividers, binder paper, notebooks, pens, pencils, erasers, and PE clothing.
Administrators and teachers expect students to report to school and to class with all required materials. Each teacher may require specific supplies to support his or her classroom. Any student or parent who is having difficulty obtaining required supplies due to financial hardship should contact the office for assistance.
Textbooks and library books must be kept clean and properly cared for. Textbooks must be covered at all times. Textbooks issued to students and books checked out of the library are the direct responsibility of the student to whom they are issued.
Students and their parents must pay for any lost, stolen or damaged textbook or library books. Failure to clear debts will result in exclusion from all extracurricular activities and events, including the end-of-the-year activities.
Textbook debts, as well as other outstanding debts, are forwarded to the high schools. These debts must be cleared before promotion to the following grade. Report cards are also held from those students who do not clear their debts.
A copy of your signed acknowledgement and compliance, can be found under the Forms section in Infinite Campus.
Students are expected to use their device in accordance with the HUSD Acceptable Use Policy.
A copy of your signed acknowledgement and compliance with the Hayward Unified School District Acceptable Use Policy as well as device responsibility, can be found under the Forms section in Infinite Campus.
Referrals from Teachers & Subs
Referrals from Teachers & Subs
Students sent to the office on a referral should report directly to the office. They should not loiter or linger in the halls, peek into classrooms or otherwise further disrupt the learning environment. Once the student reaches the office, the student should enter in a quiet manner and sign in the student logbook. The office staff will give further instructions while waiting to see an administrator.
Telephone Use
Use of Office or Classroom Telephone
The office telephone may be used with the permission of adult office personnel or an administrator. In addition, parents are asked to refrain from calling the office to leave messages for their children except in the event of an emergency. Routine messages and issues should be discussed and arranged prior to the school day. Teachers are asked to restrict phone use by students in the classroom. If they determine that the call is an emergency, they will refer the student to the office. The school has only a limited number of lines and they must be accessible for office use and for use in the case of an emergency.
Student Handbook
- What are the schools hours?
- What do I need to know if my child arrives late?
- What is the policy regarding the use of electronic devices?
- If my child is sick, what is the procedure for picking up homework?
- What is the procedure for visiting the campus or observing classroom instruction?
- How can I contact my child's teacher?
- What is the policy if my child has COVID-19?
What are the schools hours?
What do I need to know if my child arrives late?
What is the policy regarding the use of electronic devices?
Cell Phone
To prevent disturbances, cell phone use is not allowed during school hours of 7:30 am and 2:45 pm or on campus at any time.
Cell phones must be in off position during school hours, not just on vibrate or silent. Cellphones cannot be on, seen or heard during school hours or on campus. Do not call your children on their cell phones during school hours or while they are still on campus.
Cell phones may be used outside the school before 7:30 am or after 2:45 pm. If a student needs to contact a parent, the student must still use the school phone with the permission of the teacher and office staff.
Students who demonstrate inappropriate cell phone use during school hours will have their cell phones confiscated and returned only to a parent or guardian. There will be no exceptions. If the cell phone is taken away a second time, the cell phone privilege will be revoked. The cell phone will be confiscated, stored in the school office, and returned to the parent or guardian at the end of the school year.
The use of cameras or recording devices on a cell phone is never to be used on campus. If a cell phone has been used to incite a disturbance, this behavior will result in severe consequences according to the nature of the incident. Additionally, cell phone privilege will be revoked. The cell phone will be confiscated and returned to the parent or guardian at the end of the school year.
If my child is sick, what is the procedure for picking up homework?
What is the procedure for visiting the campus or observing classroom instruction?
Parents are welcome to observe classroom instruction after notifying their student's teacher at least 24 hours in advance of the visit. Observation days must be scheduled in advance with the Principal. Visitors entering the campus must report to office to obtain visitor’s pass, sign in, before roaming on the school grounds during school hours (8:00 am – 4:00pm). Student visitors are not permitted at school.