Clearing Absences
Call the school at 510-723-3120 ext. 42111 and ask for the Attendance Office to report absences. The attendance office opens at 8:00 am . If a parent has not called, a child must bring a note to the office upon his/her return to school. The dated note must indicate the length of the absence and the reason for the absence. The parent MUST SIGN the note and include a phone number for follow-up by the school. If there is no call or note, the absence will be unexcused and considered to be a cut.
Excessive absences will be reported to Child Welfare and Attendance (CWA) for further review and action. You will receive a phone call from our automated dialing system reporting that your child was absent or tardy to any class when you do not call or send a note.
Long Term Absences
If a student will be absent for five or more days, up to a maximum of ten days, parents must contact the attendance office before the absence and can request a short - term Independent Study Contract. This contract is subject to approval by the school administration.
This short-term contract will allow the student to keep up with his/her assignments and give credit for attendance. It is best to give the office at least a two-week notice of the situation. The assignments are due upon the student’s return to school. Students do not get credit if the assignments are not completed satisfactorily and returned on time.
Tardy Procedures
Tardiness causes a major disruption to a student's educational program. Students who are late to class face serious disciplinary consequences.
Depending on the severity, circumstances and number of tardies:
Parent called on circumstances leading to lateness
Wednesday Detention
Community service and loss or privileges
Referral to CWA for a SARB Review
Office Staff
Becky Ridgeway
Office Manager
Phone: 510-723-3120 Ext. 42103
Sandra Tejeda
Attendance Clerk
Phone: 510-723-3120 Ext. 42111
Patricia Gullette
Attendance Clerk
Phone: 510-723-3120 Ext. 42105